Monday, May 26, 2008

If I suddenly get ten-million dollar


I always dreamed about that during i am living so far. Frankly, If I have a lot of money, I will frist have to be thought what I buy. First, I'd like to give some money to my parents, because they always spent a lot of money to take care of me. Also, I think It is obligation as a son. Second, I will buy a car that is mini cooper in BMW, because The car is very cute and has a pretty design for me. so I wanted to buy the car from a long time. Finally, If this money remained over even though I spent a lot of money to buy something. I will go away with my boyfriend to go to Hong-Kong. when I was in university, I really wanted to go there but It was not enough time to go there, because I was busy to study with my major. These days, I have a lot of time to do something. I'm just happy to think that I'm there with my lovely boyfriend in the lovely place. If I have a opportunity like this, I will go there with him. I don't know well what to do next.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

My favorite place

I live in Seoul Korea. There are many popular places. They are the Han-river, Seoul land, and Jeju island in Korea. Especially, Han-river is one of the most popular places. so I love to go there. It is a very important place to me, because It has a wonderful a night view of Han-river. Sometimes, I used to go to the Han-river when I was depressed by something and enjoy the evening cool. I like to listen to music loudly with coffee in my car the Han-river, that is exciting for calming my stress. I think staying alone is better than with someone only at that time.
Today, I live in Calgary Canada, so I can't go there. Sometimes I think sweet memories by the Han-river. Two months ago, I found similar place like Han-river. So I'm very happy. It is near my house. It can't see the river but It has a wonderful a night view. I used to go to there when I got stress. I still like the Han-river. The Han-river is still a nice palce to me, because It has very important mrmories of my life. If I go back my country, I will go to the Han-river again.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Have you ever seen Ballet ??
This picture is one of the scenes in the swan lake sence. My frist job was ballerina like this picture. I began ballet when i was eight years old. I had prepared for ballet to become ballerina since i was childhood. so I couldn't choice about first job. I really liked my job when i danced during thirteen years. but Dance was very difficult to me when i was practiced. Dance is important feeling to appear. sometimes, I felt the limitations of human faculty. because I usually prcaticed for ten hours a day. We should know all of dance as well as need to practice acting. Stretching caused an intolerable pain to me. Do you know?? The pain is beyond conception. so I want to give up but i couldn't. because Dance was the most important in my life. I can't dance anymore. because One years ago, I had injuryed my leg. so My dream was broken when i stopped dance. I looked for work as a ballerina. I want that if dancer had injury like me, i hope to treat them for dancer. so My gradute school major is sport medicine and I woking in hospital. I have great interest about second job like ballerina.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Jeff is Best of Best teacher.

I always think about spending happy times with you. Because I always thank you When you teach english to me. Sometimes I don't understand. but I think your explanations are very good. So I always try to improve in my writting ability for you. So I can make you happy.