Sunday, July 13, 2008

Diet and Health

I always had to reduce my weight. because I was professional dancer. if I didn't want exercise for diet, I had to take diet medicine. sometimes, My dancer friends did liposuction in spite of thin. Frankly, I wanted. I just afraid of operatiion. These days, I can't dance anymore. but I am on a diet untill now. sometimes, I don't eat dinner and do regular exercise. if I get flesh, I feel, i am slow in movement.
I don't like junk food. if I don't have time, I have to eat junk food. I think, I would rather eat junk food better than skip a meal. I usually skip every meal. I try to eat health food about once or twice a week. In addition, I try to take medicine in every morning for my health. I think, We have to do regular exercise and eat health food. This is the best way for diet and health. Chin up!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Notting Hill

What kind of novel do you like?
I read Notting Hill during one month. Notting Hill was a kind of romantic novel. It was so interesthing to me. I thought about my life and love when I read Notting Hill. If My boyfriend and I difter in social standing in our love, Can i still love him like Anna Scott? Exactly, I don't know. I think that love is the most difficult to me except English. It was good chance to me when I read Notting Hill, because I learned many vocabulary and grammar. these days, I try to read English book. It's good for me. Sometimes, I get stress when I read English novel. They have a lot of vocabulary that I don't know. In addition, They have many slang in novel. I have to find many vocabulary and slang in my dictionary. As a result, I feel that My English skill improve more than before. This activity is a help to me.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


THE ANTS were spending a fine winter's day drying grain collected in the summertime. A Grasshopper, perishing with famine, passed by and earnestly begged for a little food. The Ants inquired of him, "Why did you not treasure up food during the summer?" He replied, "I had not leisure enough. I passed the days in singing." They then said in derision; "If you were foolish enough to sing all the summer, you must dance supperless to bed in the winter." Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. If you didn't work, It will be piled up mountain-high. finally You will give up. In addition, You will regret it sooner or later like a grasshopper. Diligence is the mother of success.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Housework don't finish.

Usually, I did the dishes and vacuum clearer over the carpet in
the room when i was childhood. It was all arranged beforehand
for me. sometimes, I have to separated trash and dispose of trash. I didn't like this work. because, Trash emited an offensive odor. In addition, I have to go out from my house. My brother almost didn't house work. because, He was a men. My mother brought up my brother with the tenderest care. She always told my brother, "You have to grow up like a man" I didn't understand this situation. What is it like a men? Long time ago, Korea men have a sense of superiority in my country. Thses days, we changed. Women have many job in outside and men do house work. In addition, Men help housework for women. They take over a portion of the work. if I get married, I also will take our's share of the responsibility.
Do you agree with my opinion?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

This is time of trial for me.

Recently, I have a lot of beloved person without reason. Frankly speaking, I missed my parents, my friends, my house, and my everything. Five month ago, My parents and my friends told me that Brute courage is you going to Canada. But, I could not agree with them on this point.
I was stability in Korea. I succeed in my undertaking when I was twenty two years old. But I have to give up about my successful, my sweet memories, and people. Because I have to come to Canada.
These days, I am pressed for time when I return to student. Sometimes, I feel stupid when i don't understand about english. But I don't regret. I'm happy now, Also, I am seized with melancholia. So, I am thrown into confusion now. I decided to start on a journey. So, After this semester I plan to leave for Korea or other country. If i come back September, I want heart and soul into my study again. I repent of one's idleness and I will forget unhappy memory. This is a time of trial for me. But after traveling, I will become smart looking woman.
- Won't you believe in me? - I believe myself !!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Technology - Mp3

What kind of gadgets are you interested in?
I bought mp3 when I was tweenty years old. I lost my mp3 an international airport. It gave me a melancholy feeling. I always use mp3 when I get stress and feel sad. also, I enjoy that I listen music loudly by mp3. I really want that I will buy mp3 again. These days, Mp3 has various function. for example, I can watch movies from mp3 anywhere. In addition, Mp3's appearance changing for costomers like picture. It has many color and various shape. It became as tiny as grip with hand. It marvelous to make mp3. because Many movies and many music have into small mp3. It isn't an article of great bulk like computer. It is easy to carry any time. It made to me without any sense of boredom. For all these reasons, I am interested in small and cute mp3.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


What animal are you interested in? Did you have strange pet?

I saw a crocodile when I was fourteen years old. My cousins raised the crocodile. It wasn't interesting to me, because I really hate reptile. A reptile's skin is creepy when I touched the crocodile with my hands. Usually crocodile's inherited character was fierce. In contrast, my cousin's crocodile was gently and The crocodile totally follows to him. I had doubts about that. I had memorys and questions from old time, so I choose this topic. These days, The crocodiles have many problems. Some people want to kill crocodiles and skin off a crocodile, so They make bags, shose and clothes that are made from their's skin. Some people used to eat the crocodile's meat, because they knew that the crocodile's meats were so great to maintain their's health. Also the crocodiles are losing their's habitats due to human's pollutions. As a result,the crocodiles are getting exterminated.